Celebrity kickoff to Israeli Presidential Conference goes somewhat awry « Hot Air

Celebrity kickoff to Israeli Presidential Conference goes somewhat awry « Hot Air: "I’ve flown to Jerusalem to cover a three-day symposium on public policy in Israel started in 2009 by Israeli President Shimon Peres. This year’s version of the Israeli Presidential Conference is entitled “Facing Tomorrow,” but its first plenary session probably had some attendees wondering if tomorrow could come soon enough."

The Flotilla of Fools off to Gaza | FrontPage Magazine

The Flotilla of Fools off to Gaza | FrontPage Magazine: "The flotilla is coming, the flotilla is coming.
European and North American activists, journalists, and mercenaries have set sail—or are about to do so—on fifteen boats with passengers from twenty-two mainly Western countries to “break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.” Spurred on by the anti-Potemkin Village images of Palestinian Arabs living in wretched refugee hovels, fenced in by an allegedly “apartheid” Israeli wall, oppressed by “Nazi” Israeli soldiers for “racist” reasons (and not because the Palestinian leadership practices both Islamic gender and religious apartheid as well as terrorism)–the Good People are sailing to the rescue."

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Germany :: Hudson New York

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Germany :: Hudson New York: "A highly-anticipated new report, 'Anti-Semites as a Coalition Partner,' which examines the increasing anti-Israel activism of politicians belonging to the German Left Party (Die Linke), has sparked a debate over the rise of anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism in post-modern Germany. The study has been welcomed for drawing attention to the re-emergence of anti-Semitism in public discourse in Germany, and has even triggered a debate about Israel bashing in the German parliament."

Rabbi Jason Miller: Delta Adopts Saudi Arabian Airlines No Jew Policy

Rabbi Jason Miller: Delta Adopts Saudi Arabian Airlines No Jew Policy: "For a long time in Michigan, Northwest Airlines had its hub at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. That meant an essential monopoly on domestic flights in and out of Detroit. A few years ago Delta Airlines took over Northwest Airlines and now the vast majority of domestic flights at Detroit Metro are operated by Delta. That fact makes it especially troubling to learn that Delta will add Saudi Arabian Airlines to its SkyTeam Alliance of partnering companies and would require Delta to ban Jews and holders of Israeli passports from boarding flights to Saudi Arabia. The partnership was originally announced by Delta Airlines in a press release on January 10, 2011."

Author Alice Walker to take part in Gaza flotilla, despite U.S. warning - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Author Alice Walker to take part in Gaza flotilla, despite U.S. warning - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News: "The celebrated poet and novelist wrote a special piece for CNN, outlining her intention to bring letters to the people of Gaza 'expressing solidarity and love.'"